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Centre for Neuroscience in Education


Welcome to the Yidan Language and Listening to Rhythm in Children project!

We are interested in finding out more about how children listen to words, sentences and stories and about how their rhythmic skills might help them in doing this.

We hope to use the information we find out to create new ways of helping those children who struggle in the future.

For children who take part there is the opportunity to do some online activities, some standard reading, listening and thinking activities and even to take part in neuroimaging and get a picture of your brain!

We are looking for children aged 5-6 who live in the Cambridge area and who would like to join in with our activities.

At the moment, we are also particularly interested in hearing from children between the ages of 7 and 9 who find language difficult and who would like to help us with our research.

If you are a school and would like your Year 1 or Year 3 and 4 children to get involved, click here.

If you are a parent and your child would like to get involved, click here.