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Centre for Neuroscience in Education


Put all the files that require processing together in one folder, then run the following function.  It will prompt you for the folder. Results (24 x 5 ) will be in the MATLAB workspace.

function [All_files,Total_rms,diff_rms,tA,CF_MFB] = Multifile_24x5_modulation_filterbank_SAF_FINAL(FSamp)



% Specify the sampling rate of the sound files you are going to process

% by typing at the command line:  FSamp == 44100; or FSamp == 16000;

% if sampling rate is 48000 then down sample files by 3 first.

% **********************************************************

% Produces downsampled 5x24 spectro-temporal envelopes of audio (.wav) files. The 5 spectral

% channels span 100-7250 Hz, the 24 modulation rate bands span 0.9-40 Hz .


% FSamp = Sampling frequency of wav files, in Hz. Only 44100 or 16000 accepted.


% All_files is an array with each file's data separate (number of files) x 24 x 5 


% CF = Arithmetic centre frequencies of the 5 spectral channels

% CF_MFB = Arithmetic centre frequencies of the 3 modulation rate channels (N.B. It may be more appropriate to report geometric CFs of 1.5 Hz, 5.5 Hz & 21.9 Hz)

% NSamp = Final downsampled frequency of the spectro-temporal envelopes (1050 or 1000 Hz)

% Total_rms is the array 1 x 24 x 5 of the mean of all the files.

%%% Analyse all of the signal, envelope is downsampled to 1050/1000 Hz.


% To use define the sampling rate i.e.  FSamp = 44100

% then run filter by copying this to command window:

% All_files,Total_rms,diff_rms,tA,CF_MFB] = Multifile_24x5_modulation_filterbank(FSamp)



if FSamp == 44100;

    ds1 = 3;                                                               %% if FSamp = 44.1 kHz, iSamp = 14700

    ds2 = 14;                                                              %% NSamp = 1050 Hz

elseif FSamp == 16000;

    ds1 = 1;                                                               %% iSamp = 16000

    ds2 = 16;                                                              %% NSamp = 1000;


    display('Incompatible sampling rate, please use 44100 or 16000 only')



iSamp = FSamp/ds1;                                                          %% Interim sampling frequency for spectral filtering

NSamp = iSamp/ds2;


N = 5;

edges = [10;100;300;700;1750;3900;7250];                                    %% Include first LPF dummy channel

[CF, bpfs] = MFB_coeffs(edges,iSamp,1);

CF = CF(2:end);


M = 24;  

Fcor = [0.79; 0.93; 1.09; 1.27; 1.49; 1.74; 2.03; 2.38; 2.78; 3.25; 3.80; 4.45;...

    5.20; 6.08; 7.11; 8.32; 9.72; 11.38; 13.30; 15.56; 18.20; 21.28; 24.89; 29.11;...

    34.04; 39.81]; 


[CF_MFB,MFB_bpfs] = MFB_coeffs(Fcor,NSamp,2);                               %% Filter length ~7000

sil = zeros(length(MFB_bpfs)/2,1);                                          %% Silence of half filter length to pad each side

CF_MFB = CF_MFB(2:end);




myDir = uigetdir; %gets directory

myFiles = dir(fullfile(myDir,'*.wav')); %gets all wav files in struct

L = length(myFiles);

All_files = zeros(L,24,5);


for k = 1:length(myFiles)

  baseFileName = myFiles(k).name;

  fullFileName = fullfile(myDir, baseFileName);

  fprintf(1, 'Now reading %s\n', fullFileName);


  [y,FSamp] = audioread(fullFileName);

  y = y(1:ds1:end);                                                           %% Downsample sound once

%%%% 5 SPECTRAL BANDS                            


 yfil = zeros(length(y),N);      


for n = 2:N+1                                                               %% Ignore first LPF channel


    %%% Band-pass filters to form channel envelope signals

    l_fil = bpfs(1,n);                                                      %% length of filter

    fil_n = bpfs(2:1+l_fil,n);                                              %% extract filter

    nshift = floor(l_fil/2);                                                %% sample shift to correct for FIR BPF delay

    yfil = filter(fil_n, 1, y);

   yfil = sample_advance(yfil, nshift, 1e-7);                              %% time-advance signal, preserve buffer length and pad with externally defined value

   % ychan(:,n-1) = single(yfil(1:2:end));                                   %% Downsample by half and convert to single point precision


    %%% Hilbert extraction

    Ahil = abs(hilbert(yfil));                                              %% Hilbert envelope                                                                

    Ahil = Ahil(1:ds2:end);                                                  %% Downsample envelope to NSamp  (already downsmples by 2 in ychan)                             


    clear yfil




    Ahil = [sil; Ahil; sil];

    Atmp = zeros(length(Ahil),1);

    Afil = zeros(length(Ahil),M);


for m = 2:M+1

    bpf_len  = MFB_bpfs(1,m);                                               % extract filter length from array

    bpf_chan = MFB_bpfs(2:bpf_len+1,m);                                     % extract filter             

    Atmp = filter(bpf_chan, 1, Ahil);                                       % apply to hilbert envelope using MATLAB filter() function             

    dly_shift = floor(bpf_len/2);                                           % compensate shift to time-align FIR filter outputs

    len_A = length(Atmp) - dly_shift;                                       % advance filter outputs         

    Afil(1:len_A,m-1) = Atmp(1+dly_shift:length(Atmp));                     % time advance to preserve initial bit

    Afil(1+len_A:length(Atmp),m-1) = 0;                                     % kill the rest, since it contains nothing useful


    clear Atmp

    Atmp = zeros(length(Ahil),1);



    A(:,:,n-1) = Afil(length(sil)+1:end-length(sil),:);                       % Crop silence



%Y = ychan;

tA = A;

clear A;

clear y;

clear Afil;

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% April 16. S.F. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

rmstA = rms(tA);                                                            % RMS of each modulation Channel (24 X 5))

overall_rms = rms(rmstA);                                                   % overall RMS of each spectral band


d = 5;

for S = 1:d

diff_rms(:,:,S) = (rmstA(:,:,S)/overall_rms(:,:,S)); % normalise data



clear S


All_files(k,:,:) = diff_rms(:,:,:);


intermediate = (mean(All_files,1));         % average the bands across files to give 1x24x5 output

Total_wavs_rms = 20*log10(intermediate);

big_intermediate = mean(intermediate,3);     % Average across filesand bands to give 24x1 output

Total_rms = 20*log10(big_intermediate);



%semilogx(CF_MFB, Total_rms); grid on;


grid on;

legend('Band 1:100-300 Hz','Band 2:300-700 Hz','Band 3:700 - 1750 Hz','Band 4:1750 - 3900 Hz ','Band 5:3900-7250 Hz','Average all bands');

xlabel('Modulation Rate (Hz)');

ylabel('Power(dB from mean) ');


%clear Afil

clear Atmp

%clear A

%clear ychan


