Professor Dénes Szűcs is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Neuroscience in Education, a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology and a Fellow of Darwin College, University of Cambridge.
Shortly after receiving his PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from Eötvös Loránd University, Dénes joined the University of Cambridge as a lecturer. It was also at Eötvös Loránd University that he was awarded his MA in Experimental Psychology (5-year MA degree).
Dénes has previously been a Research Fellow at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He has been a visiting professor at both Stanford University and University of Padua.
His research is primarily concerned with mathematical understanding and development, including mathematics anxiety (including gender differences), dyscalculia, and gifted mathematics. Dénes is also very interested in modern research methodology and in the meta-analysis of the published neuroscience and psychology literature.
Caviola, S., Colling, L., Mammarella, I., & Szűcs, D. (2020). Predictors of mathematics in primary school: Magnitude comparison, verbal and spatial working memory measures. Developmental Science, e12957.
Colling, L. J., Szűcs, D., de Marco, D., Cipora, K., Ulrich, R., Nuerk, H.-C., Bryce, D., Chen, S.-C., Schroeder, P. A., Henare, D. T., Chrystall, C. K., Corballis, P. M., Ansari, D., Goffin, C., Sokolwski, H. M., Hancock, P. J. B., Millen, A. E., Langton, S. R. H., Holmes, K. J.,… McShane, B. B. (2020). Registered Replication Report on Fischer, Castel, Dodd, and Pratt (2003). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3(2), 143–162.
Szűcs, D., & Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2020). Sample size evolution in neuroimaging research: An evaluation of highly-cited studies (1990-2012) and of latest practices (2017-2018) in high-impact journals. NeuroImage, 221(1), 117164.
Szűcs, D., & Mammarella, I. (2020). Mathematics Anxiety. The International Bureau of Education at the UNESCO, United Nations and the International Academy of Education.
Colling L. J., & Szűcs, D. (2018). Statistical Inference and the Replication Crisis. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1-27.
Carey, E., Devine, A., Hill, F., & Szűcs, D. (2017). Differentiating anxiety forms and their role in academic performance from primary to secondary school. PLOS ONE, 12(3), e0174418.
Carey, E., Devine, A., Hill, F., & Szűcs, D. (2017). The modified abbreviated math anxiety scale: A valid and reliable instrument for use with children. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8, 11.
Caviola, S., Carey, E., Mammarella, I. C., & Szűcs, D. (2017). Stress, time pressure, strategy selection and math anxiety in mathematics: a review of the literature. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1488.
Devine, A., Hill, F., Carey, E., & Szűcs, D. (2017). Cognitive and emotional math problems largely dissociate: Prevalence of developmental dyscalculia and mathematics anxiety. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(3), 431-444.
Mammarella, I., Caviola, S., Giofrè, D., & Szűcs, D. (2017). The underlying structure of visuospatial working memory in children with mathematical learning disability. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 6(2), 220-235.
Myers, T., Carey, E., & Szűcs, D. (2017). Cognitive and neural correlates of mathematical giftedness in adults and children: A review. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1646.
Szűcs, D., & Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2017). Empirical assessment of published effect sizes and power in the recent cognitive neuroscience and psychology literature. PLOS Biology, 15(3), e2000797.
Szűcs, D., & Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2017). When null-hypothesis significance testing is unsuitable for research: A reassessment. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 390.
Szűcs, D., & Myers, T. (2017). A critical analysis of design, facts, bias and inference in the approximate number system training literature: A systematic review. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 6, 187-203.
Zhang, L., Xin, Z., Feng, T., Chen, Y., & Szűcs, D. (2017). Physical similarity or numerical representation counts in same-different numerical comparison, physical comparison and counting tasks?. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(3), 670-687.
Carey E., Hill, F., Devine, A., & Szűcs, D. (2016). The chicken or the egg? The direction of the relationship between mathematics anxiety and mathematics performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1987.
Clearman, J., Klinger, V., & Szűcs, D. (2016). Visuospatial and verbal memory in mental arithmetic. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(9), 1837-1855.
Cutini, S., Szűcs, D., Mead, N., Huss, M., & Goswami, U. (2016). Atypical right hemisphere response to slow temporal modulations in children with developmental dyslexia. NeuroImage, 143, 40-49.
Hill, F., Mammarella, I. C., Devine, A., Caviola, S., Passolunghi, M. C., & Szűcs D. (2016). Maths anxiety in primary and secondary school students: Gender differences, developmental changes and anxiety specificity. Learning and Individual Differences, 48, 45-53.
Morsanyi, K., Chiesi, F., Primi, C., Szűcs, D. (2016). The illusion of replacement in research into the development of thinking biases: The case of the conjunction fallacy. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29(2), 240-257.
Pincham, H., Bowman, H., & Szűcs, D. (2016). The Experiential Blink: Mapping the Cost of Working Memory Encoding onto Conscious Perception in the Attentional Blink. Cortex, 81, 35-49.
Ronconi, L., Pincham, H., Cristoforetti, G., Facoetti, A., & Szűcs, D. (2016). Shaping pre-stimulus neural activity with auditory rhythmic stimulation improves the temporal allocation of attention. Neuroreport, 27(7), 487-494.
Szűcs, D. (2016). Subtypes and comorbidity in mathematical learning disabilities: Multi-dimensional study of verbal and visual memory processes is key to understanding. Progress in Brain Research, 227, 277-304.
Szűcs, D. (2016). A Tutorial on Hunting Statistical Significance by Chasing N. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1444.
Szűcs, D., & Hoeft, F. (2016). Editorial overview: Neuroscience of education. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 10, iv-vi.
Vuilier, L., Bryce, D., & Szűcs, D. (2016). The maturation of interference suppression and response inhibition: ERP analysis of a cued go/nogo task. PLOS ONE, 11(11), e0165697.
Avancini, C., Soltész, F., & Szűcs, D. (2015). Separating stages of arithmetic verification: An ERP study with a novel paradigm. Neuropsychologia, 75, 322-329.
Kobor, A., Takacs, A., Bryce, D., Szűcs, D., Honbolygo, F., & Csepe, V. (2015). Children with ADHD show impairments in multiple stages of information processing in a Stroop task. Developmental Neuropsychology, 40(6), 329-347.
Mammarella, I., Hill, F., Devine, A., Caviola, S., & Szűcs. D. (2015). Math anxiety and Developmental Dyscalculia: A study on working memory processes. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 37(8), 878-887.
Myers, T., & Szűcs. D. (2015). Arithmetic memory is modality specific. PLOS ONE, 10(12), e0145614.
Ronconi, L., Pincham, H., Facoetti, A., & Szűcs, D. (2015) Inducing attention not to blink: Auditory entrainment improves conscious visual processing. Psychological Research, 80(5), 774-784.
Smets, K., Sasanguine, D., Szűcs, D., & Reynvoet, B. (2015). The effect of different methods to construct non-symbolic stimuli in numerosity estimation and comparison. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 27(3), 310-325.
Vuillier, L., Whitebread, D., & Szűcs, D. (2015). ERP evidence of cognitive strategy change in motivational conditions with varying level of difficulty. Neuropsychologia, 70, 126-133.
Zhang, L., Fang, Q., Gabriel, F., & Szűcs, D. (2015). Common magnitude representation of fractions and decimals is task dependent. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 126-133.
Avancini, C., Galfano, G., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Dissociation between arithmetic relatedness and distance effects is modulated by task properties: An ERP study comparing explicit vs. implicit arithmetic processing. Biological psychology, 103, 305-316.
Bryce, D., Whitebread, D., & Szűcs, D. (2014). The relationships among executive functions, metacognitive skills and educational achievement in 5 to 7 year-old children. Metacognition and Learning, 10(2), 181-198.
Nath, S., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Construction play and cognitive skills associated with the development of mathematical abilities in 7-year-old children. Learning & Instruction, 32, 73-80.
Pincham, H., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Disruption reduces accuracy and P3b amplitudes in the attentional blink. Neuroscience Letters, 581, 26-31.
Soltész, F., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Neural adaptation to non-symbolic number and visual shape: An electrophysiological study. Biological Psychology, 103, 203-211.
Szűcs, D., Devine, A., Soltész, F., Nobes, A., & Gabriel, F. (2014). Cognitive components of a mathematical processing network in 9-year-old children. Developmental Science, 17(4), 506-524.
Zhang, L., Chen, M., Lin, C., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Flexible and unique representations of two-digit decimals. Acta Psychologica, 151, 89-97.
Zhang, L., Fang, Q., Gabriel, F., & Szűcs, D. (2014). The componential processing of fractions in adults and children: Effects of stimuli variability and contextual interference. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 981.
Zirk-Sadowski, J., Lamptey, C., Devine, A., Haggard, M., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Young-Age Gender Differences in Mathematics Mediated by Independent Control or Uncontrollability. Developmental Science, 17(3), 366-375.
Devine, A., Soltész, F., Nobes, A., Goswami, U., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Gender differences in developmental dyscalculia depend on diagnostic criteria. Learning & Instruction, 27, 31-39.
Fias, W., Menon, V., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Multiple components of developmental dyscalculia. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 2(2), 43-47.
Gabriel, F., Coché, F., Szűcs, D., Carette, V., Rey, B., & Content, A. (2013). A Componential View of Children's Difficulties in Learning Fractions. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 715.
Gabriel, F., Szűcs, D., & Content, A. (2013). The Development of the Mental Representation of Fraction Magnitude. PLOS ONE, 8(11), e80016.
Gabriel, F., Szűcs, D., & Content, A. (2013). The mental representations of fractions: Adults' same–different judgments. Frontiers in Cognition, 4, 385.
Kaufmann, L., Mazzocco, M. M., Dowker, A., von Aster, M., Goebel, S., Grabner, R., Henik, A., Jordan, N. C., Karmiloff-Smith, A. D., Kucian, K., Rubinsten, O., Szűcs, D., Shalev, R., & Nuerk, H-C. Dyscalculia from a developmental and differential perspective. Developmental Psychology, 4, 516.
Killikelly, C., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Delayed development of proactive response preparation in adolescents: ERP and EMG evidence. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 3, 33-43.
Killikelly, C., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Asymmetry in stimulus and response conflict processing across the adult lifespan: ERP and EMG evidence. Cortex, 49(10), 2888-2903.
Morsányi, K., Devine, A., Nobes, A., & Szűcs, D. (2013). The link between logic, mathematics and imagination. Evidence from children with developmental dyscalculia and mathematically gifted children. Developmental Science, 16(4), 542-553.
Morsányi, K., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Intuition in mathematical and probabilistic reasoning. In R. C. Kadosh & A. Dowker (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of numerical cognition (pp. 180-200).
Soltész, F., Szűcs, D., Leong, V., White, S., & Goswami, U. (2013). Differential entrainment of neuroelectric delta oscillations in developmental dyslexia. PLOS ONE, 8(10), e76608.
Szűcs, D., & Goswami, U. (2013). Developmental dyscalculia: Fresh perspectives. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 2(2), 33-37.
Szűcs, D., Devine, A., Soltész, F., Nobes, A., & Gabriel, F. (2013). Developmental dyscalculia is related to visuo-spatial memory and inhibition impairment. Cortex, 49(10), 2674-2688.
Szűcs, D., Devine, A., Soltész, F., Nobes, A., & Gabriel, F. (2013). Cognitive components of a mathematical processing network in 9-year-old children. Developmental Science, 17(4), 506-524.
Szűcs, D., Nobes, A., Devine, A., Gabriel, F., & Gebuis, T. (2013). Visual stimulus parameters seriously compromise the measurement of approximate number system acuity and comparative effects between adults and children. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 4, 444.
Wong, B., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Single-Digit Arabic Numbers Do Not Automatically Activate Magnitude Representations in Adults or in Children: Evidence from the Symbolic Same-Different Task. Acta Psychologica, 144(3), 488-498.
Zirk-Sadowski, J., Szűcs, D., & Holmes, J. (2013). Content-Specificity in Verbal Recall: A Randomized Controlled Study. PLOS ONE, 8(11), e79528.
Devine, A., Fawcett, K., Szűcs, D., & Dowker, A. (2012). Gender differences in mathematics anxiety and the relation to mathematics performance while controlling for test anxiety. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 8, 33.
Gabriel, F., Coché, F., Szűcs, D., Carette, V., Rey, B., & Content, A. (2012). Developing Children's Understanding of Fractions: An Intervention Study. Mind, Brain, and Education, 6, 137-146.
Hämäläinen, J. A., Rupp, A., Soltész, F., Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2012). Reduced phase locking to slow amplitude modulation in adults with dyslexia: An MEG study. NeuroImage, 59, 2952-2961.
Hsu, Y. F., & Szűcs, D. (2012). The time course of symbolic number adaptation: Oscillatory EEG activity and event-related potential analysis. NeuroImage, 15(59), 3103-3109.
Pincham, H., & Szűcs, D. (2012). Conscious access is linked to ongoing brain state: Electrophysiological evidence from the attentional blink. Cerebral Cortex, 22(10), 2346-2353.
Pincham, H., & Szűcs, D. (2012). Intentional subitizing: Exploring the role of automaticity in enumeration. Cognition, 124(2), 107-116.
Pincham, H., & Szűcs, D. (2012). Target cueing provides support for target- and resource-based models of the attentional blink. PLOS ONE, 7(5), e37596.
Szűcs, D., & Soltész, F. (2012). Functional definition of the N450 event-related brain potential marker of conflict processing: A numerical Stroop study. BMC Neuroscience, 13, 35.
Szűcs, D., Killikelly, C., & Cutini, S. (2012). Event-related near-infrared spectroscopy detects conflict in the motor cortex in a Stroop task. Brain Research, 1477, 27-36.
White, S., & Szűcs, D. (2012). Representational change and strategy use in children’s number line estimation during the first years of primary school. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 8(1), 1-12.
White, S., Szűcs, D., & Soltész, F. (2012). Symbolic number: The integration of magnitude and spatial representations in children ages 6 to 8 years. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 392.
Bryce, D., Szűcs, D., Soltész, F., & Whitebread, D. (2011). The development of inhibitory control: An averaged and single-trial Lateralized Readiness Potential study. Neuroimage, 57, 671-685.
Goswami, U., & Szűcs, D. (2011). Educational neuroscience: Developmental mechanisms: Towards a conceptual framework. Neuroimage, 57(3), 651-658.
Goswami, U., Fosker, T., Huss, M., Mead, N., & Szűcs, D. (2011). Rise time and formant transition duration in the discrimination of speech sounds: The Ba-Wa distinction in developmental dyslexia. Developmental Science, 14, 34-43.
Hämäläinen, J. A., Fosker, T., Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2011). N1, P2 and T-complex of the auditory brain event-related potentials to tones with varying rise times in adults with and without dyslexia. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 81(1), 51-59.
Hämäläinen, J. A., Rupp, A., Soltész, F., Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2011). Reduced phase locking to slow amplitude modulation in adults with dyslexia: An MEG study. NeuroImage, 59(3), 2952-2961.
Hsu, Y. F., & Szűcs, D. (2011). Arithmetic mismatch negativity and numerical magnitude processing in number matching. BMC Neuroscience, 12, 83.
Soltész, F., Goswami, U., White, S., & Szűcs, D. (2011). Executive function effects and numerical development in children: Behavioural and ERP evidence from a numerical Stroop paradigm. Learning and Individual Differences, 21(6), 662-671.
Soltész, F., Szűcs, D., White, S., Leong, V., & Goswami, U. (2011). Atypical entrainment of delta oscillations to auditory rhythm in developmental dyslexia. Conference Abstract: XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON XI).
Soltész, F., White, S., & Szücs, D. (2011). Event-related brain potentials dissociate the developmental time-course of automatic numerical magnitude analysis and cognitive control functions during the first three years of primary school. Developmental Neuropsychology, 36(6), 682-701.
Stefanics, G., Fosker, T., Huss, M., Mead, N., Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2011). Auditory sensory deficits in developmental dyslexia: A longitudinal ERP study. Neuroimage, 57, 723-732.
Soltész, F., Szűcs, D., & Szücs, L. (2010). Relationships between magnitude representation, counting and memory in 4- to 7-year-old children: A developmental study. Behavioural and Brain Functions, 6, 13.
Stefanics, G., Fosker, T., Fegan, N., Huss, M., Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2010). Amplitude envelope onset (rise time) detection and developmental dyslexia - A longitudinal ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 77(3), 236-237.
Szücs, D., & Soltész, F. (2010). Event-related brain potentials to violations of arithmetic syntax represented by place value structure. Biological Psychology, 84(2), 354-367.
Szücs, D., & Soltész, F. (2010). Stimulus and response conflict in the color-word Stroop task: A combined electro-myography and event-related potentials study. Brain Research, 1325, 63-76.
Soltész, F., & Szücs, D. (2009). An electro-physiological temporal principal component analysis of processing stages in number comparison and developmental dyscalculia. Cognitive Development, 24(4), 473-485.
Soltész, F., Szűcs, D., Dékány, J., Márkus, A., & Csépe, V. (2007), A combined event-related potential and neuropsychological investigation of developmental dyscalculia. Neuroscience Letters, 417, 181-186.
Szücs, D., Soltész, F., & Goswami, U. (2009). Beyond format-specificity: Is analogue magnitude really the core abstract feature of the cultural number representation?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32, 352-353.
Szücs, D., Soltész, F., & White, S. (2009). Motor conflict in Stroop tasks: Direct evidence from single-trial electro-myography and electro-encephalography. Neuroimage, 47, 1960-1973.
Szücs, D., Soltész, F., Bryce, D., & Whitebread, D. (2009). Real-time tracking of motor response activation and response competition in a Stroop task in young children: A lateralized readiness potential study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(11), 2195-2206.
Szücs, D., & Soltész, F. (2008). The interaction of task-relevant and task-irrelevant stimulus features in the number/size congruency paradigm: An ERP study. Brain Research, 1190, 143-158.
Soltész, F., Szűcs, D., Dékány, J., Márkus, A., & Csépe, V. (2007). A combined event-related potential and neuropsychological investigation of developmental dyscalculia. Neuroscience Letters, 417, 181-186.
Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2007). Educational neuroscience: Defining a new discipline for the study of mental representations. Mind, Brain and Education, 1(3), 114-127.
Szücs, D., & Soltész, F. (2007). Event-related potentials dissociate facilitation and interference effects in the numerical Stroop paradigm. Neuropsychologia, 45(14), 3190-3202.
Szücs, D., Soltész, F., Czigler, I., & Csépe, V. (2007). Electroencephalography effects to semantic and non-semantic mismatch in properties of visually presented single characters: The N2b and the N400. Neuroscience Letters, 412(1), 18-23.
Szücs, D., Soltész, F., Jármi, É., & Csépe, V. (2007). The speed of magnitude processing and executive functions in controlled and automatic number comparison in children: An electro-encephalography study. Behavioural and Brain Functions, 3(1), 23.
Szűcs, D. (2005). Teachers can substantially inform cognitive psychological and cognitive neuroscience research. The Journal of the Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities, 18(2), 4-7.
Szücs, D. (2005). The role of electrophysiology in the study of early development: A commentary on Guilleaume Thierry. Infant and Child Development, 14, 99-102.
Szücs, D., & Csépe, V. (2005). The effect of numerical distance and stimulus probability on ERP components elicited by numerical incongruencies in mental addition. Cognitive Brain Research, 22(2), 289-300.
Szücs, D., & Csépe, V. (2005). The parietal distance effect appears in both the congenitally blind and matched sighted controls in an acoustic number comparison task. Neuroscience Letters, 384(1-2), 11-16.
Szücs, D., & Csépe, V. (2004). Access to numerical information is dependent on the modality of stimulus presentation in mental addition: A combined ERP and behavioral study. Cognitive Brain Research, 19(1), 10-27.
Szücs, D., & Csépe, V. (2004). Similarities and differences in the coding of numerical and alphabetical order using acoustic stimulation as revealed by event-related potentials in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 360(1-2), 65-68.
Csépe, V., Szücs, D., & Honbolygó, F. (2003). Number-word reading as challenging task in dyslexia? An ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 51(1), 69-83.
Szűcs, D., & Mammarella, I. (2020). Mathematics Anxiety. The International Bureau of Education at the UNESCO, United Nations and the International Academy of Education.
Colling L. J., & Szűcs, D. (2018). Statistical Inference and the Replication Crisis. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1-27.
Carey, E., Devine, A., Hill, F., & Szűcs, D. (2017). Differentiating anxiety forms and their role in academic performance from primary to secondary school. PLOS ONE, 12(3), e0174418.
Carey, E., Devine, A., Hill, F., & Szűcs, D. (2017). The modified abbreviated math anxiety scale: A valid and reliable instrument for use with children. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8, 11.
Caviola, S., Carey, E., Mammarella, I. C., & Szűcs, D. (2017). Stress, time pressure, strategy selection and math anxiety in mathematics: a review of the literature. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1488.
Devine, A., Hill, F., Carey, E., & Szűcs, D. (2017). Cognitive and emotional math problems largely dissociate: Prevalence of developmental dyscalculia and mathematics anxiety. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(3), 431-444.
Mammarella, I., Caviola, S., Giofrè, D., & Szűcs, D. (2017). The underlying structure of visuospatial working memory in children with mathematical learning disability. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 6(2), 220-235.
Myers, T., Carey, E., & Szűcs, D. (2017). Cognitive and neural correlates of mathematical giftedness in adults and children: A review. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1646.
Szűcs, D., & Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2017). Empirical assessment of published effect sizes and power in the recent cognitive neuroscience and psychology literature. PLOS Biology, 15(3), e2000797.
Szűcs, D., & Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2017). When null-hypothesis significance testing is unsuitable for research: A reassessment. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 390.
Szűcs, D., & Myers, T. (2017). A critical analysis of design, facts, bias and inference in the approximate number system training literature: A systematic review. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 6, 187-203.
Zhang, L., Xin, Z., Feng, T., Chen, Y., & Szűcs, D. (2017). Physical similarity or numerical representation counts in same-different numerical comparison, physical comparison and counting tasks?. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71(3), 670-687.
Carey E., Hill, F., Devine, A., & Szűcs, D. (2016). The chicken or the egg? The direction of the relationship between mathematics anxiety and mathematics performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1987.
Clearman, J., Klinger, V., & Szűcs, D. (2016). Visuospatial and verbal memory in mental arithmetic. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(9), 1837-1855.
Cutini, S., Szűcs, D., Mead, N., Huss, M., & Goswami, U. (2016). Atypical right hemisphere response to slow temporal modulations in children with developmental dyslexia. NeuroImage, 143, 40-49.
Hill, F., Mammarella, I. C., Devine, A., Caviola, S., Passolunghi, M. C., & Szűcs D. (2016). Maths anxiety in primary and secondary school students: Gender differences, developmental changes and anxiety specificity. Learning and Individual Differences, 48, 45-53.
Morsanyi, K., Chiesi, F., Primi, C., Szűcs, D. (2016). The illusion of replacement in research into the development of thinking biases: The case of the conjunction fallacy. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29(2), 240-257.
Pincham, H., Bowman, H., & Szűcs, D. (2016). The Experiential Blink: Mapping the Cost of Working Memory Encoding onto Conscious Perception in the Attentional Blink. Cortex, 81, 35-49.
Ronconi, L., Pincham, H., Cristoforetti, G., Facoetti, A., & Szűcs, D. (2016). Shaping pre-stimulus neural activity with auditory rhythmic stimulation improves the temporal allocation of attention. Neuroreport, 27(7), 487-494.
Szűcs, D. (2016). Subtypes and comorbidity in mathematical learning disabilities: Multi-dimensional study of verbal and visual memory processes is key to understanding. Progress in Brain Research, 227, 277-304.
Szűcs, D. (2016). A Tutorial on Hunting Statistical Significance by Chasing N. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1444.
Szűcs, D., & Hoeft, F. (2016). Editorial overview: Neuroscience of education. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 10, iv-vi.
Vuilier, L., Bryce, D., & Szűcs, D. (2016). The maturation of interference suppression and response inhibition: ERP analysis of a cued go/nogo task. PLOS ONE, 11(11), e0165697.
Avancini, C., Soltész, F., & Szűcs, D. (2015). Separating stages of arithmetic verification: An ERP study with a novel paradigm. Neuropsychologia, 75, 322-329.
Kobor, A., Takacs, A., Bryce, D., Szűcs, D., Honbolygo, F., & Csepe, V. (2015). Children with ADHD show impairments in multiple stages of information processing in a Stroop task. Developmental Neuropsychology, 40(6), 329-347.
Mammarella, I., Hill, F., Devine, A., Caviola, S., & Szűcs. D. (2015). Math anxiety and Developmental Dyscalculia: A study on working memory processes. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 37(8), 878-887.
Myers, T., & Szűcs. D. (2015). Arithmetic memory is modality specific. PLOS ONE, 10(12), e0145614.
Ronconi, L., Pincham, H., Facoetti, A., & Szűcs, D. (2015) Inducing attention not to blink: Auditory entrainment improves conscious visual processing. Psychological Research, 80(5), 774-784.
Smets, K., Sasanguine, D., Szűcs, D., & Reynvoet, B. (2015). The effect of different methods to construct non-symbolic stimuli in numerosity estimation and comparison. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 27(3), 310-325.
Vuillier, L., Whitebread, D., & Szűcs, D. (2015). ERP evidence of cognitive strategy change in motivational conditions with varying level of difficulty. Neuropsychologia, 70, 126-133.
Zhang, L., Fang, Q., Gabriel, F., & Szűcs, D. (2015). Common magnitude representation of fractions and decimals is task dependent. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 126-133.
Avancini, C., Galfano, G., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Dissociation between arithmetic relatedness and distance effects is modulated by task properties: An ERP study comparing explicit vs. implicit arithmetic processing. Biological psychology, 103, 305-316.
Bryce, D., Whitebread, D., & Szűcs, D. (2014). The relationships among executive functions, metacognitive skills and educational achievement in 5 to 7 year-old children. Metacognition and Learning, 10(2), 181-198.
Nath, S., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Construction play and cognitive skills associated with the development of mathematical abilities in 7-year-old children. Learning & Instruction, 32, 73-80.
Pincham, H., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Disruption reduces accuracy and P3b amplitudes in the attentional blink. Neuroscience Letters, 581, 26-31.
Soltész, F., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Neural adaptation to non-symbolic number and visual shape: An electrophysiological study. Biological Psychology, 103, 203-211.
Szűcs, D., Devine, A., Soltész, F., Nobes, A., & Gabriel, F. (2014). Cognitive components of a mathematical processing network in 9-year-old children. Developmental Science, 17(4), 506-524.
Zhang, L., Chen, M., Lin, C., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Flexible and unique representations of two-digit decimals. Acta Psychologica, 151, 89-97.
Zhang, L., Fang, Q., Gabriel, F., & Szűcs, D. (2014). The componential processing of fractions in adults and children: Effects of stimuli variability and contextual interference. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 981.
Zirk-Sadowski, J., Lamptey, C., Devine, A., Haggard, M., & Szűcs, D. (2014). Young-Age Gender Differences in Mathematics Mediated by Independent Control or Uncontrollability. Developmental Science, 17(3), 366-375.
Devine, A., Soltész, F., Nobes, A., Goswami, U., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Gender differences in developmental dyscalculia depend on diagnostic criteria. Learning & Instruction, 27, 31-39.
Fias, W., Menon, V., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Multiple components of developmental dyscalculia. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 2(2), 43-47.
Gabriel, F., Coché, F., Szűcs, D., Carette, V., Rey, B., & Content, A. (2013). A Componential View of Children's Difficulties in Learning Fractions. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 715.
Gabriel, F., Szűcs, D., & Content, A. (2013). The Development of the Mental Representation of Fraction Magnitude. PLOS ONE, 8(11), e80016.
Gabriel, F., Szűcs, D., & Content, A. (2013). The mental representations of fractions: Adults' same–different judgments. Frontiers in Cognition, 4, 385.
Kaufmann, L., Mazzocco, M. M., Dowker, A., von Aster, M., Goebel, S., Grabner, R., Henik, A., Jordan, N. C., Karmiloff-Smith, A. D., Kucian, K., Rubinsten, O., Szűcs, D., Shalev, R., & Nuerk, H-C. Dyscalculia from a developmental and differential perspective. Developmental Psychology, 4, 516.
Killikelly, C., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Delayed development of proactive response preparation in adolescents: ERP and EMG evidence. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 3, 33-43.
Killikelly, C., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Asymmetry in stimulus and response conflict processing across the adult lifespan: ERP and EMG evidence. Cortex, 49(10), 2888-2903.
Morsányi, K., Devine, A., Nobes, A., & Szűcs, D. (2013). The link between logic, mathematics and imagination. Evidence from children with developmental dyscalculia and mathematically gifted children. Developmental Science, 16(4), 542-553.
Morsányi, K., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Intuition in mathematical and probabilistic reasoning. In R. C. Kadosh & A. Dowker (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of numerical cognition (pp. 180-200).
Soltész, F., Szűcs, D., Leong, V., White, S., & Goswami, U. (2013). Differential entrainment of neuroelectric delta oscillations in developmental dyslexia. PLOS ONE, 8(10), e76608.
Szűcs, D., & Goswami, U. (2013). Developmental dyscalculia: Fresh perspectives. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 2(2), 33-37.
Szűcs, D., Devine, A., Soltész, F., Nobes, A., & Gabriel, F. (2013). Developmental dyscalculia is related to visuo-spatial memory and inhibition impairment. Cortex, 49(10), 2674-2688.
Szűcs, D., Devine, A., Soltész, F., Nobes, A., & Gabriel, F. (2013). Cognitive components of a mathematical processing network in 9-year-old children. Developmental Science, 17(4), 506-524.
Szűcs, D., Nobes, A., Devine, A., Gabriel, F., & Gebuis, T. (2013). Visual stimulus parameters seriously compromise the measurement of approximate number system acuity and comparative effects between adults and children. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 4, 444.
Wong, B., & Szűcs, D. (2013). Single-Digit Arabic Numbers Do Not Automatically Activate Magnitude Representations in Adults or in Children: Evidence from the Symbolic Same-Different Task. Acta Psychologica, 144(3), 488-498.
Zirk-Sadowski, J., Szűcs, D., & Holmes, J. (2013). Content-Specificity in Verbal Recall: A Randomized Controlled Study. PLOS ONE, 8(11), e79528.
Devine, A., Fawcett, K., Szűcs, D., & Dowker, A. (2012). Gender differences in mathematics anxiety and the relation to mathematics performance while controlling for test anxiety. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 8, 33.
Gabriel, F., Coché, F., Szűcs, D., Carette, V., Rey, B., & Content, A. (2012). Developing Children's Understanding of Fractions: An Intervention Study. Mind, Brain, and Education, 6, 137-146.
Hämäläinen, J. A., Rupp, A., Soltész, F., Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2012). Reduced phase locking to slow amplitude modulation in adults with dyslexia: An MEG study. NeuroImage, 59, 2952-2961.
Hsu, Y. F., & Szűcs, D. (2012). The time course of symbolic number adaptation: Oscillatory EEG activity and event-related potential analysis. NeuroImage, 15(59), 3103-3109.
Pincham, H., & Szűcs, D. (2012). Conscious access is linked to ongoing brain state: Electrophysiological evidence from the attentional blink. Cerebral Cortex, 22(10), 2346-2353.
Pincham, H., & Szűcs, D. (2012). Intentional subitizing: Exploring the role of automaticity in enumeration. Cognition, 124(2), 107-116.
Pincham, H., & Szűcs, D. (2012). Target cueing provides support for target- and resource-based models of the attentional blink. PLOS ONE, 7(5), e37596.
Szűcs, D., & Soltész, F. (2012). Functional definition of the N450 event-related brain potential marker of conflict processing: A numerical Stroop study. BMC Neuroscience, 13, 35.
Szűcs, D., Killikelly, C., & Cutini, S. (2012). Event-related near-infrared spectroscopy detects conflict in the motor cortex in a Stroop task. Brain Research, 1477, 27-36.
White, S., & Szűcs, D. (2012). Representational change and strategy use in children’s number line estimation during the first years of primary school. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 8(1), 1-12.
White, S., Szűcs, D., & Soltész, F. (2012). Symbolic number: The integration of magnitude and spatial representations in children ages 6 to 8 years. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 392.
Bryce, D., Szűcs, D., Soltész, F., & Whitebread, D. (2011). The development of inhibitory control: An averaged and single-trial Lateralized Readiness Potential study. Neuroimage, 57, 671-685.
Goswami, U., & Szűcs, D. (2011). Educational neuroscience: Developmental mechanisms: Towards a conceptual framework. Neuroimage, 57(3), 651-658.
Goswami, U., Fosker, T., Huss, M., Mead, N., & Szűcs, D. (2011). Rise time and formant transition duration in the discrimination of speech sounds: The Ba-Wa distinction in developmental dyslexia. Developmental Science, 14, 34-43.
Hämäläinen, J. A., Fosker, T., Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2011). N1, P2 and T-complex of the auditory brain event-related potentials to tones with varying rise times in adults with and without dyslexia. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 81(1), 51-59.
Hämäläinen, J. A., Rupp, A., Soltész, F., Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2011). Reduced phase locking to slow amplitude modulation in adults with dyslexia: An MEG study. NeuroImage, 59(3), 2952-2961.
Hsu, Y. F., & Szűcs, D. (2011). Arithmetic mismatch negativity and numerical magnitude processing in number matching. BMC Neuroscience, 12, 83.
Soltész, F., Goswami, U., White, S., & Szűcs, D. (2011). Executive function effects and numerical development in children: Behavioural and ERP evidence from a numerical Stroop paradigm. Learning and Individual Differences, 21(6), 662-671.
Soltész, F., Szűcs, D., White, S., Leong, V., & Goswami, U. (2011). Atypical entrainment of delta oscillations to auditory rhythm in developmental dyslexia. Conference Abstract: XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON XI).
Soltész, F., White, S., & Szücs, D. (2011). Event-related brain potentials dissociate the developmental time-course of automatic numerical magnitude analysis and cognitive control functions during the first three years of primary school. Developmental Neuropsychology, 36(6), 682-701.
Stefanics, G., Fosker, T., Huss, M., Mead, N., Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2011). Auditory sensory deficits in developmental dyslexia: A longitudinal ERP study. Neuroimage, 57, 723-732.
Soltész, F., Szűcs, D., & Szücs, L. (2010). Relationships between magnitude representation, counting and memory in 4- to 7-year-old children: A developmental study. Behavioural and Brain Functions, 6, 13.
Stefanics, G., Fosker, T., Fegan, N., Huss, M., Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2010). Amplitude envelope onset (rise time) detection and developmental dyslexia - A longitudinal ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 77(3), 236-237.
Szücs, D., & Soltész, F. (2010). Event-related brain potentials to violations of arithmetic syntax represented by place value structure. Biological Psychology, 84(2), 354-367.
Szücs, D., & Soltész, F. (2010). Stimulus and response conflict in the color-word Stroop task: A combined electro-myography and event-related potentials study. Brain Research, 1325, 63-76.
Soltész, F., & Szücs, D. (2009). An electro-physiological temporal principal component analysis of processing stages in number comparison and developmental dyscalculia. Cognitive Development, 24(4), 473-485.
Soltész, F., Szűcs, D., Dékány, J., Márkus, A., & Csépe, V. (2007), A combined event-related potential and neuropsychological investigation of developmental dyscalculia. Neuroscience Letters, 417, 181-186.
Szücs, D., Soltész, F., & Goswami, U. (2009). Beyond format-specificity: Is analogue magnitude really the core abstract feature of the cultural number representation?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32, 352-353.
Szücs, D., Soltész, F., & White, S. (2009). Motor conflict in Stroop tasks: Direct evidence from single-trial electro-myography and electro-encephalography. Neuroimage, 47, 1960-1973.
Szücs, D., Soltész, F., Bryce, D., & Whitebread, D. (2009). Real-time tracking of motor response activation and response competition in a Stroop task in young children: A lateralized readiness potential study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(11), 2195-2206.
Szücs, D., & Soltész, F. (2008). The interaction of task-relevant and task-irrelevant stimulus features in the number/size congruency paradigm: An ERP study. Brain Research, 1190, 143-158.
Soltész, F., Szűcs, D., Dékány, J., Márkus, A., & Csépe, V. (2007). A combined event-related potential and neuropsychological investigation of developmental dyscalculia. Neuroscience Letters, 417, 181-186.
Szücs, D., & Goswami, U. (2007). Educational neuroscience: Defining a new discipline for the study of mental representations. Mind, Brain and Education, 1(3), 114-127.
Szücs, D., & Soltész, F. (2007). Event-related potentials dissociate facilitation and interference effects in the numerical Stroop paradigm. Neuropsychologia, 45(14), 3190-3202.
Szücs, D., Soltész, F., Czigler, I., & Csépe, V. (2007). Electroencephalography effects to semantic and non-semantic mismatch in properties of visually presented single characters: The N2b and the N400. Neuroscience Letters, 412(1), 18-23.
Szücs, D., Soltész, F., Jármi, É., & Csépe, V. (2007). The speed of magnitude processing and executive functions in controlled and automatic number comparison in children: An electro-encephalography study. Behavioural and Brain Functions, 3(1), 23.
Szűcs, D. (2005). Teachers can substantially inform cognitive psychological and cognitive neuroscience research. The Journal of the Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities, 18(2), 4-7.
Szücs, D. (2005). The role of electrophysiology in the study of early development: A commentary on Guilleaume Thierry. Infant and Child Development, 14, 99-102.
Szücs, D., & Csépe, V. (2005). The effect of numerical distance and stimulus probability on ERP components elicited by numerical incongruencies in mental addition. Cognitive Brain Research, 22(2), 289-300.
Szücs, D., & Csépe, V. (2005). The parietal distance effect appears in both the congenitally blind and matched sighted controls in an acoustic number comparison task. Neuroscience Letters, 384(1-2), 11-16.
Szücs, D., & Csépe, V. (2004). Access to numerical information is dependent on the modality of stimulus presentation in mental addition: A combined ERP and behavioral study. Cognitive Brain Research, 19(1), 10-27.
Szücs, D., & Csépe, V. (2004). Similarities and differences in the coding of numerical and alphabetical order using acoustic stimulation as revealed by event-related potentials in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 360(1-2), 65-68.
Csépe, V., Szücs, D., & Honbolygó, F. (2003). Number-word reading as challenging task in dyslexia? An ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 51(1), 69-83.
Teaching and Supervisions
Dénes has been the supervisor for a number of different PhD and MPhil projects, and currently has one MPhil student, Josefina Weinerova, as well as a PhD student, Carolina Álvarez.
Previous Students
- Chiara Avancini (PhD)
- Donna Bryce (PhD)
- Emma Carey (PhD)
- Jack Clearman (PhD)
- Amy Devine (PhD)
- Florence Gabriel (PhD)
- Yi-Fang (Yvonne) Hsu (PhD)
- Clare Killikelly (PhD)
- Timothy Myers (PhD)
- Swiya Nath (PhD)
- Tianrui Shen (PhD)
- Laura Vuillier (PhD)
- Sonia White (PhD)
- Becky Wong (MPhil)
- Jan Zirk-Sadowsk (PhD)
Other Professional Activities
In 2013 Dénes was the recipient of the Scholar Award in Understanding Human Cognition (awarded for excellence of research into both psychology and cognitive neuroscience) from the James S. McDonnell Foundation and a United Nations Senior Fellowship in the Science of Learning, which he held at UNESCO in Geneva.
Dénes has been the editor of numerous journals including Royal Society Open Science, Trends in Neuroscience and Education, and Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.